Thursday, November 18, 2010

Doctor, Doctor ~ Robert Palmer

From Tuesday, November 16th:

Today we went to see Dr. Staggs for the first time to check out how the P is going. Still calling it the "P" until I know what it is. I was nervous going in but as soon as the doc congratulated us on our P I got very excited. We saw the heartbeat (very cool) and found out our due date is June 22nd so that makes us about 8 and a half weeks. I told the doc that we had only been off birth control since the middle of August and he told us that 15 out of 100 would get pregnant that fast and that WE were top 15% in our class. I might have high-fived Ryan...
We got a lovely photo - it looks like an alien - that I've posted above for your viewing pleasure. I just LOVE how they added in my if being 30 wasn't a smack in the face now I get to see it every time I look at my first ultrasound. Awesome. Anyway, we are thrilled this is happening. Still too early to tell the world but we shout our private excitement every day. God is good and we are very blessed.
Pregnancy Lesson #2 Just because you haven't gained weight doesn't mean you won't feel fat.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Grilled Chicken.

No cravings but grilled chicken disgusts me. Period. Can't smell it or look at it.

Tomorrow is the CMA Awards and attached parties. I've been practicing all day coming up with reasons why I'm not drinking. Trust me, they will notice. I still have nothing to wear. Shocker.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

You've Got A Friend ~ James Taylor

November 3, 2010

Today I saw Dr. Shaub and she confirmed I was pregnant! She was so excited for me and asked me what we wanted. I said hopefully not a freakishly tall girl and she reminded me that Taylor Swift was one tall girl...she had me there. Shocker that I hear Taylor references even at the doctor's office! She's everywhere. By the way she (we) sold 1,046,000 in it's first week - GO K RICH! What a great team I get to work with!

Back to the P (that's what we will call the pregnancy). Tonight I went to Local Taco with Jen Ketner, Jill Kinsey, Jessica Phillips, Lacey Williams and Rachel Askew to spill the news of the P. They were delighted but I was nervous. I guess it makes it more real when you tell your besties. I will need them throughout this process more than they know. We had great laughs and danced to the overhead music (which was awesome by the way). The food was great but...

Pregnancy Lesson #1 Spicy food is spicer when it comes up.

Just so we're clear.

Anyway, I love my friends and I hope they know that. Every last one of them.

Day #5 comes to a close and I'm crawling in bed - my favorite thing these days.

Blessed ~ Elton John

Oh my...we took a test and it very clearly said "Pregnant."
We took another test and it very clearly said "Pregnant."

HOLY CRAP! That was fast! 2 months off birth control.

Saturday, October 30th 2010

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Puppy Love ~ Donny Osmond

Well...we did it! We have officially become man & wife. I know, I know - that was a month and a half ago. Well we've been busy! Work is crazy. Crazy but wonderful. New things are on the horizon and I am so excited. Ryan has been getting back into the work groove...we are both finding it hard but necessary. It's so amazing being married. We don't feel different but we sure love calling each other husband and wife! HA! The wedding was amazing...words cannot express how much fun was had. From the beautiful the short but sweet the gorgeous Sommet Kevin's amazing rendition of "Nothing Fancy" by Dave the yummy all the family and friends that came together to share in our special day. We are blessed beyond words. Nothing compares to that feeling of such love and support. Just got the pictures back and I am up late thumbing through all of them (there are tons!) and chosing which ones I like the best. I swear I have the prettiest friends ever...every picture is stunning. The honeymoon to Guanacaste, Costa Rica was seriously the BEST time we have ever had. Actually, it was our first vacation together...sad...must make time for more vacations. We met a fun and fabulous couple (The Tuckers)! We lounged in the pool and drank mojitos at sunset. We ate at some of the nicest restaurants I've ever been to. It was AMAZING! The JW Marriott Resort & Spa will forever be in our hearts!

Things that have happened since last time:

Kevin & Renee had baby Presley! She's teeny and precious and I held her as long as they would let me! She's perfect...

Big Machine joined forces with Universal Republic to become superlabel Republic Nashville. Cool things coming from them, I promise you that!

Miss Cathy closed her doors...I swear I thought she would teach dance forever. Wish I could have sent my future daughter there...great memories.

HUGE things for The Valory Music Company! Justin Moore finally released his self-titled debut (about time!) and it was VERY well-received! 34K in the first week and "Small Town USA" is still climbing the charts. Reba McEntire released her 1st album from Valory called "Keep On Lovin' You" to a #1 chart position on the country and billboard top 200! Cool to be a part of all for the memory books...

I slammed my finger in the car door...not cool...

Keep on Keepin' on...

Mrs. Ashley Ramsey Jeanette

Sunday, May 17, 2009

White Wedding ~ Billy Idol

I have been up all night doing wedding things.   I admit it - I took the easy way out and printed labels instead of hand addressing them.  I'm sure the guests won't mind:)

I never knew so much wen into this wedding experience!

Flowers, centerpieces, cake, linens, entertainment, parking, dress, bridesmaids, showers, parties, oh my!

I will definitely need our honeymoon on July 13th:)  Costa Rica here we come!  I can't wait!

Pics to follow!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

That's A Man ~ Jack Ingram

Just wanted to show you our new addition - meet Jack...or Jacks...or Jax (depending on who you ask). He's a chihuahua/shitzu mix and he is the sweetest, most adorable doggie ever. He's about 4 months old and loving life right now. We were back and forth about getting a dog for a long time because our schedules are so crazy right now but Jack seems to be adjusting well to his new life with us. He's potty training really well for having only been with us for a few weeks. I think maybe it's because we take him outside every 5 minutes! Ha! He loves people and other dogs but cats aren't really his thing. Did you know they have some crazy cats @ Petsmart!? I was so proud of him when we took him there as he was the hit of the whole store - later I was informed that apparently all dogs are:( Anyway, I got my first taste of what it's like to show off your "kid" to other people! Jack really is like our kid. In fact, Ryan has even taken to calling him "son."

So...when you get a chance, come over and meet him! When it gets warmer we can hit up the dog parks.

Check him out...better pics to follow!