Wednesday, November 3, 2010

You've Got A Friend ~ James Taylor

November 3, 2010

Today I saw Dr. Shaub and she confirmed I was pregnant! She was so excited for me and asked me what we wanted. I said hopefully not a freakishly tall girl and she reminded me that Taylor Swift was one tall girl...she had me there. Shocker that I hear Taylor references even at the doctor's office! She's everywhere. By the way she (we) sold 1,046,000 in it's first week - GO K RICH! What a great team I get to work with!

Back to the P (that's what we will call the pregnancy). Tonight I went to Local Taco with Jen Ketner, Jill Kinsey, Jessica Phillips, Lacey Williams and Rachel Askew to spill the news of the P. They were delighted but I was nervous. I guess it makes it more real when you tell your besties. I will need them throughout this process more than they know. We had great laughs and danced to the overhead music (which was awesome by the way). The food was great but...

Pregnancy Lesson #1 Spicy food is spicer when it comes up.

Just so we're clear.

Anyway, I love my friends and I hope they know that. Every last one of them.

Day #5 comes to a close and I'm crawling in bed - my favorite thing these days.

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